We need a political revolution of millions of people in this country.  .... Bernie Sanders                                 

In February, I started asking two questions:  “What is a Political Revolution?” and “What do we do AFTER the November election?” 

The answers are still in the air.  This blog presents some thoughts & commentary from the journey.  A book will be forthcoming once the dust settles, followed by ongoing coverage of the Political Revolution as it develops.  

A Time to Occupy & Consolidate - Not Exit

Bernie Sanders has just accomplished three key things:

  • He's shifted the agenda of the Democratic Party back toward its Progressive roots.
  • He's shifted the discussion - it seems like everyone at the Convention was talking Progressive.  He's made it safe for Democratic candidates to be Progressive.
  • He positioned himself, and us, to positions of extreme power in the Democratic Party - by assembling a huge collection of voters & dollars that are aligned behind Progressive candidates and issues - essentially the way the Tea Party became a “party within a party” that reshaped the Republicans.  

The real question is whether enough of the “Political Revolution” will remain aligned behind Bernie, and his new organizations - so that we can elect Progressives up and down the ticket, get Progressives appointed to leadership positions in a Democrat-controlled Congress, and then make sure that those legislators pursue OUR agenda when it comes to writing & passing laws and budgets.

Continuing the Power Shift

It seems like the number of fund-raising appeals, from the DNC, the DSCC, and the DCCC has escalated in the past couple of days.

Now would seem to be the time for MoveOn, DFA, Bernie's new organizations, and BrandNewCongress to start agressively raising funds for the down-ticket --- sending a very clear message that the money is coming from Progressives.

We need to be playing the party-within-a-party game that the Tea Party has played with the Republicans. None of this "unify the party" crap - this is about making it clear that Progressives are taking back the party.

Bernie has just done a very good job of setting himself up as an éminence grise within the Democratic Party. Suddenly, everyone is talking Progressive rhetoric and policy.  It's again safe (and maybe encouraged) to talk like FDR.  

Now we need to back that up with cold hard cash - on our terms - that's what will move us from rhetoric to committee chairmanships, and progressive legislation that gets signed by the President.

Hillary Clinton may be the next figurehead for the Democratic Party - let's make sure that the real power moves into Progressive hands.

Can I Interview You in Philly?

Hi Folks,

I’m planning to be in Philadelphia for the Democratic Convention.  I hope to interview many of you while I’m there – particularly those of you who’ve organized 4Bernie groups in your communities and who’ve stood for office as Progressive challengers (both those of you who’ve won your primaries, and those who’ve lost).  What have we learned about Progressive Revolution so far?  Where are we going next?  What role do you see yourself playing?

Please give me your contact information, and any comments you care to offer now - using the form HERE.  If we can't connect in Philly, perhaps we can chat by phone or video chat.  

Thank You,

Miles Fidelman

A New Chapter for the Political Revolution

As we all know by now, Bernie Sanders has endorsed Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Nomination - beginning a new chapter for the Political Revolution.  

What happens new is up in the air:

  • Many are calling for action to retake and reform the Democratic Party - #occupydemocrats - in the short term, supporting Progressive down-ticket challengers such as Tim Canova's run in Florida.
  • Others talk of a #Demexit & Third Parties - with some Bernie or Bust proponents shifting alliegence to Jill Stein and the Green Party.
  • The Republican Party is facing it's own insurgency and self-destruction, while independents are now the plurality of our electorate.

For the longer term, we are already seeing the birth of new political organizations - Tea Parties of the Left, if you will:

It's Time for the Democratic Party to Show its True Colors


As we approach the Democratic Convention, the Democratic Party exhorts us to "unite the party," and implicitly asks Bernie Sanders' army, of mostly independent voters, to join and support the party and its candidates.

But what exactly is the Democratic Party these days?  Who and what are we being asked to join & support?  

Is the Party still an association of citizens, come together to support a common agenda - the "Party of the People," of FDR, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, of "The New Deal" and the "Great Society?"  Or has it become a collection of insiders, supporting the narrow agenda of a select few - asking us to come along for the ride, and pay the frieght?

Has the Democratic Party become a "brand" - to be marketed to sheeple -  with insider candidates, political operatives, and lobbyists being paid handsomely, by us, while exhorting us to buy their "product?"

Does the Party want "We the People," or does it just want our money and votes?  
